when feelings take on solid forms-the walls (Film still)

when feelings take on solid forms-the sheets (Film still)

when feelings take on solid forms-the chair (Film still)
when feelings take on solid forms – Link to film on Vimeo
When feelings take on solid forms, 2022
HD film installation with audio, 15 min 24 seconds. Edition of 3 plus 1 AP
when feelings take on solid forms, is an installation of three film vignettes, that read like chapters in a book.
A solitary women is seen through gaps in the doorways of a series of empty rooms, the tension builds as she battles with a number of objects; a wooden chair, a sea of sheets and the very surface of the walls themselves. Her movements becoming more frustrated and physical, as she never quite accomplishes what she is trying to achieve-a moment of rest, a sense of order, calm.
The work draws on my own physical and psychological relationship with domestic space, and that of many women who have gone before me. Feelings of overwhelm, endlessness and claustrophobia, all heightened during the last couple of years when homes became places of work and education, and even more impossible to escape.
Choreographer: Gerry Turvey
Dancer: Mati Torres Laborde
Cinematographer and Editor: Christo Wallers
Location: The National Trust at Seaton Delaval Hall